Follow these simple rules to help become a safer driver and avoid auto repair. Practice parallel parking If you don’t live in a busy city, you might not have to parallel park that often. But you might still find yourself needing to squeeze into a space some...
Know the statistics about fatal car accidents in West Virginia can help residents know what to avoid. In 2011, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reported that there were 337 traffic incidents involving fatalities. The majority of these...
You often hear about the things you SHOULD do after a car accident, but what about the things you SHOULDN’T do? Here are 5 things you should never do after an accident. Leave the Scene No one gets into a car accident at an optimal time. You’re in your car, that...
Leave the scene No matter how minor the accidents seems to be, always stop. It’s important to stop and exchange information with all parties involved. Once you have exchanged information it is then time to call the police so an accurate and official account of the...
All of us want to avoid car accidents, but unfortunately we can’t always avoid them. No matter how defensively we drive we may end up in a fender bender. So we have created two articles on what to do if you are involved in a fender bender. Here’s part 1: 1. KEEP...