Distracted Driving Unfortunately, the number one cause of car accidents is distracted driving. That’s more than drunk driving, road rage and many other reasons. We drive so often that it can feel like it’s second nature. Unfortunately our attention must always be...
Did you know nearly one million cars are stolen in the United States each year? That’s one car every 43 seconds. Most people steal cars because they are desperate for money. Here are some trade secrets that car thieves know that most car owners don’t. You Specific...
Buying a new car can be fun, but it can also be stressful. You might find yourself with “buyer’s goggles” on. Everything looks new and fun and shiny. And that might lead you to a decision you didn’t think too much about. Here’s a quick checklist to help you be...
Leave the scene No matter how minor the accidents seems to be, always stop. It’s important to stop and exchange information with all parties involved. Once you have exchanged information it is then time to call the police so an accurate and official account of the...