We all know how frustrating it can be to find a new scratch no your car. Where did this come from? When did this come from? There are a lot of quick, at home tricks to touching up your car’s paint job, but which ones should you actually try? Does toothpaste...
Just because you have an older car doesn’t mean you have to spend a lot of money at a vehicle repair shop to make it look like new. Here are a few tips and tricks to make your older car look new again. Clean Everything Obviously a dirty car, inside and out, can make...
Follow these simple rules to help become a safer driver and avoid auto repair. Practice parallel parking If you don’t live in a busy city, you might not have to parallel park that often. But you might still find yourself needing to squeeze into a space some...
Squealing Brakes Whenever your car makes a loud noise, it can be alarming. It’s no different with the sound is coming from your brakes. Sound from your brakes can mean that something is wrong with your brake pads. If you ignore this, you can end up with...