Japanese Auto Repair in Huntington, West Virginia

Here at East End Body Shop we provide quality auto repair for just about any vehicle, including Japanese cars. Our auto repair specialists can get your vehicle back into tiptop shape. We offer reliable customer service and Japanese auto repair at the best rates in the...

What You Need to Know About Crash Tests

It’s no surprise that vehicles are safer today than they ever have been. With all of the new technology coming out and within our reach, it’s easier for us to test and modify and test and modify until we are certain vehicles are as safe as we can make them. And...

Paintless Dent Removal Near Huntington, WV

Dents. The bane of our existences when it comes to cars. They’re almost inevitable. Even if you take every precaution in the book and park 20 car spots away from everyone at the store, your car will eventually get a dent. And there’s nothing worse than coming out of a...

Preparing Your Vehicle for Autumn Weather in Huntington

No one enjoys doing work to their vehicle in the heat of the summer. The cooling temperatures of fall overtaking West Virginia is a welcome change from the heat and humidity. Now is the perfect time to give your car a once over in preparation for the chilly weather...