Car accidents, including accidents involving fender benders Auto Collision in Huntington WV, are a fact of daily life. While fewer cars are in the roadway during the epidemic–16% less as per Zendrive, a mobile-based driving analytics app–drivers could become more distracted.
The use of phones while driving increased by 38% following the lockdowns that were implemented in May, according to a study conducted by Zendrive. The data also indicates that other drivers are riskier such as speeding (up 27%) and hard brakes (up 25%).
In addition, our experts at East end body Shop the best Auto Collision in Huntington WV now people are participating in Zoom meetings while traveling.
If you’re involved in a car accident, it’s important to be prepared, regardless of whether or not you are involved in the collision. Being prepared will ensure your ability to file an insurance claim against the at-fault driver and safeguard you if a third party wrongly blames you for the incident.
Here’s the best way to handle this stressful situation and how to prepare yourself to deal with first responders, injuries, other drivers, and insurance companies.
What to Do Immediately Following an Accident?

The first thing to do, if it is possible first, is to pull your vehicle towards a safe spot that is well-lit and safe and, in the best-case scenario, one that is visible to others, you and the driver.
This is especially the case “if you’re slapped from behind, and you think that you could be the victim of a fake accident,” says Scott Holeman, a spokeswoman for the Insurance Information Institute. Insurance Information Institute.
If your vehicle could have an accident on the road, You’ll need to relocate it to the sidewalk.
Stay at peace and utilize emergency flashers to alert vehicles that are coming. Even if you’re confused, It’s essential to create an after-accident plan, work through the event to protect your rights should you need to file a claim and if possible also look for an Auto Collision in Huntington WV.
If you’re unable to move your vehicle, you must get yourself and the passengers to a safe distance from the accident.
Protect your pets, children, elders & disabled
It’s very easy following an accident in the car to become lost and make mistakes that you might not otherwise make with loved ones or pets, resulting in additional injuries.
If it’s a minor accident, do not leave children or pets, older adults with disabilities, or elderly who have no mobility in the car in a hot, secure vehicle following the incident.
Children traveling alongside you during the collision aren’t old enough to be sitting in car seats; you shouldn’t take them from their car seats following the crash. They could have injuries that aren’t visible and therefore allow a first responder to remove the car seats to check for any injuries.
Also, ensure that older people with disabilities or passengers, regardless of whether they’re terrified or upset, must be tended to.
Contacting an ambulance or calling Law Enforcement
Once you and your vehicle are safe, check if you or anyone else in your vehicle before the incident is injured. Contact emergency services like fire and rescue and an ambulance if anyone suffers even minor injuries caused by the collision. Along with if your car is damaged it’s better to contact a good Auto Collision in Huntington WV.
You should seek medical attention for yourself or others as soon as possible, especially in the elderly, children, or disabled persons. If you dial 911, you should ask someone nearby to provide you with the place of the accident if you’re not sure exactly the location you’re in.
In addition to your name and any other details that identify you to them, be prepared to give the name of the street city. The house number you’re close to, mile markers and traffic signals, the direction you travel in, and what else you think can help locate you quickly and quickly. Do not call before the dispatcher states that you can.
If you’re involved in a car accident when you’re not in the condition, it’s recommended to dial 911. Be prepared for long wait times for the police to respond as law enforcement officials prioritize the most urgent calls, particularly during the pandemic.
If the police cannot get to the scene, you have to leave the scene before filing the report and don’t show up since there was no injury or the vehicles involved aren’t hindering traffic. Don’t be concerned.
Visit your nearest station to make an incident report as soon as possible following the accident. A majority of states give an up-to 72 hour period for you to complete a police report. However, laws differ by state.
Talking back to the driver
Find out if it’s safe speaking to the driver in front of you, and calmly talk to them, with no assistance from the police.
While it’s fine to have a chat while waiting for police to arrive, do not make admissions or say you’re sorry even when you think that you’re in the wrong. Do not express your anger at the driver driving in front of you. Do not blame the crash on a driver who was not on the scene or take the blame away from witnesses or another driver at the scene.
It is recommended to stay clear of discussions about who’s at fault on the accident scene. This is for insurance companies to decide.
Don’t make deals
Don’t also make arrangements with other drivers that require you to accept or pay to settle the incident instead of making an insurance claim even if the other driver is willing to pay a substantial amount or claims not to have auto insurance.
Experts at the best Auto Collision in Huntington WV suggest, making a “handshake deal” using cash at the moment could lead to high cost later.
Getting the Right Information
Suppose you’ve gone through numerous steps to protect your family, friends, and vehicle. However, you may not have collected the most important information. So, keeping your documents organized is vital.
You must always have important documents in your cars such as registration and proof of insurance and the name and number of your insurance company.
When you begin the exchange process, exchange insurance and contact details are the only information you need. This will prevent the exchange of information that could be taken against you. This is the list of the information you must gather to support insurance claims:
- Contact information
- Policy number of the insurance carrier
- License plate number
- Model, color, and type of the vehicle
- Accident site
Take pictures or videos of any damage to both vehicles, speak to witnesses, write everything you remember about what transpired, and record audio or video footage of the incident.
Additionally, note any injuries, weather, road, and any other factors you believe caused the incident. If you own any mobile devices, note-taking applications or insurance applications for companies’ mobiles are useful when capturing details of the accident.
The process of submitting with an Auto Insurance Claim

It’s crucial to call your insurance company as quickly as possible. This can help speed up the process of filing a claim, and they might be able to help you with other services which may be covered under the policy.
The information on filing claims is usually found on an insurer’s site or mobile application; it is advisable to ask for clarification on anything you’re not sure about. It’s crucial to get everything you’re legally entitled to under your insurance policy and state law.
Find out the documents you’ll need to provide your insurance company, such as a ‘proof of claim document. Also, make sure you know the time limit for filing and when you should expect to receive a response from your insurance company.
Your insurer or the other driver’s insurance may need to examine your car for a damage estimate. If your car can drive, you could be required to go to an in-person claims center or an Auto Collision in Huntington WV associated with the insurer or utilize remote inspection tools, such as an app for smartphones.
Many insurers have improved their online claims for insurance on cars procedure, particularly in the aftermath of the pandemic.
Utilizing mobile tools can help you handle your claim quickly and get back on your road.
Finding the Fault
When you file an insurance claim and provide all the details the insurance company needs, the insurance adjuster will determine the cause of the accident and how much you’ll pay for repairs or replacement of the car if it’s destroyed.
The process varies from state to state. For example, in some states some percentage of the amount can be reduced in case of the customer’s fault.
What our experts has to say
Nobody likes to get into accidents. This is why it is the most crucial decision on how you react in these situations. There are many options on the market, when it comes to fixing cars. However, if you feel confident about the East end body shop, your car will be handled with ease once you have given it to us. This guide is a great resource to keep handy when you are looking for an Auto Collision in Huntington WV.