What are the Best GPS Apps for Driving?


While TomTom requires a paid subscription, it has an edge over the free solutions like Google Maps or Apple Maps. It offers speed camera warnings, giving you a heads up when it comes to upcoming speed traps. The app’s dashboard itself is pretty clutter-free, making it easier to glance at while driving.


Waze is an entirely free, Sat Nav solution. Waze is interactive with its users allowing you to update the app with accidents, police traps, traffic jams, or even objects in the road. Not only will it give you these updates, it provides turn-by-turn voice navigation, automatic rerouting, and the ability to send your ETA to your friends.


If you’re planning an extended road trip, Roadtrippers is the app for you. Think of it as Yelp but for driving. Roadtrippers provides reviews for hotels, campgrounds, points of interest, and eats, but it also has advanced route-planning tools that let you string all of them together. It will basically map out your entire trip, and even estimate the amount of money you’re going to spend on gas.


If you have an electric car, PlugShare is basically mandatory. PlugShare is an interactive map of more than 40,000 charging stations across the U.S. It can even tell you whether there is any space left at the one you’re heading towards. It’s a simple app, but could help save you from a very expensive tow.

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