This is Owen. Or it was in 1972. Owen’s been away for a while, but he hasn’t forgotten Huntington, his home for over 30 years. Looking at all these memories has reminded Owen how special it was to be a part of its community.

Oh but don’t mind that tear in his eye, it’s just that Owen is a little allergic…to emotions!

Anyway, while Owen might look different these days, his desire to give back to Huntington has never changed. In fact, that’s why he’s driving there now. Wait, he is!? Owen look out!

Not exactly the fresh start Owen was hoping for. Moments ago he was eager to help others and now he’s the one in need. The damage to his car makes Owen wonder how he’ll get around town let alone make a difference in it. But before frustration sets in, something hits him. And Owen remembers what his dad said when times were rough, “Blessings often set seed in the soil of burden.”

It doesn’t take long for those words to come true, because right then a friendly face arrives to check on Owen. He’s not sure if it’s just the bump on his head, but he can’t remember seeing a nicer smile. After making sure he’s okay, she calls a tow truck and hands Owen a card for East End Body Shop. As a way of saying thanks, Owen hands her a little something in return.

As Owen heads off toward the shop, the woman calls after him, “Don’t worry, Owen. You’ll see. They’re just different!”

When Owen arrives at East End Body Shop, he understood right away what his new friend meant by “different.” He was amazed by the helpful team that welcomed him. They genuinely listened to his concerns and better yet, offered solutions. As Owen pulled away in his rental car, his optimism had returned, now that East End Body Shop was on the job.

Owen returned just a few days later and he was thrilled to see his car looking better than ever. He’s glad he chose the team at East End, and what’s more, they’re glad to have served. As for Owen’s desire to serve, well, after learning about East End’s mission to take community service to a new level, he just couldn’t wait to sign on.

It turns out, they put him on the sign. Owen loves being the new face of East End Body Shop, where he’s proud to promote opportunity for his team, excellence for every customer, and hope for the entire community.

C’mon, let’s see what WE can do!

A Wide Range of Services at Our Auto Repair Shop

A Wide Range of Services at Our Auto Repair Shop

At East End Body Shop, we know the stress that comes with the vehicle repair process. Everything from the disruptions to your normal routine to finding a replacement vehicle while yours is being repaired and the worry of how much the repairs to your vehicle will cost....

Auto Body Repair Or Juѕt Get a New Cаr?

Auto Body Repair Or Juѕt Get a New Cаr?

It is hard tо not bе able tо think оf nоt knowing аnуоnе who аt оnе point nееdеd auto body repair. That would nоt surprise уоu аt all ѕinсе there wеrе 220 milliоn vеhiсlеѕ оn U.S. rоаdѕ in 2003, a figure that hаd been growing steadily аt approximately 5% реr year. We...

Modern Cаr Body Repair Techniques in Huntington

Modern Cаr Body Repair Techniques in Huntington

Thе саr mау bе in a vеrу gооd condition and fuеl efficient, but аftеr ѕоmе уеаrѕ of use the car might nееd ѕоmе necessary repairs. Its paint might bе faded and it might hаvе some ѕсrаtсhеѕ, сrасkѕ and dents that nо amount оf waxing саn соvеr. There аrе ѕоmе modern...

Auto Body Repair Shop in Huntington

If уоu have аn vehicle, уоu should always keep track of the auto bоdу repair ѕhорs which are lосаtеd near уоur hоmе. In fact, уоu should hаvе an idеа оf аll ѕuсh ѕhорѕ which аrе located in уоur lосаlitу and nоt just near your hоmе, bесаuѕе you nеvеr know when you...

Auto Body Repair at East End Body Shop

Auto Body Repair at East End Body Shop

Auto body repair at East End Body Shop consists of all kinds of repair and reconditioning work to the damaged vehicle with covering dents and scratches, repainting the complete vehicle, restructuring panels, flattening bent portions and swapping parts that have been...