It’s a beautiful day, you’ve finally caught up with all your projects at work, have fun plans for the weekend, and you’re finally breaking even on your bills. Nothing can get you down today! Until… crunch, crash, jerk! You get rear ended and end up rear ending the person in front of you too! In the midst of all the yelling and confusion you think you’re about to lose it until you remember you’ve heard about East End Body Shop.vehicle-repair-huntington-west-virginia

After an accident the last thing you need is to be swindled by shady mechanics. When you bring your vehicle down to East End, you’ll never have to worry about having a bad experience. Our customers are our friends and neighbors so we treat everyone and their vehicles with respect and kindness.

East End is your once stop vehicle repair shop. We offer all of the repair services your vehicle might need after an accident from mechanical to cosmetic. Our experts perform excellent frame, collision, auto mechanical, and glass repair as well as detailing and paint jobs. We’re also a preferred partner with insurance companies; we do mobile claims management and also complete insurance repair work.

Your vehicle is essential to your everyday life and providing for your family. When an accident happens at a hard time financially, we’ll treat you like every other customer and offer you interest free financing. Everyone needs their vehicle, and we want to get you back to your daily routine as soon as possible.

When you become a customer of East End Body Shop, you become a member of our friends and family. We’re committed to doing business with honesty and integrity because we know as a community it’s up to all of us to work together. The next time your vehicle needs some tender love and care, bring it on down to East End, we’ll get you fixed up in no time.

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Written by: Nicole Weisbrich