It is incredibly difficult to face a situation when you have just got your car bumped into a tree or anything at the side of the street and got it scratched or even dented. It is even worse if it is your loveliest car which you have been working on for like years.

Though you realize that you can get the time back to the past, wishing you to be much more careful so you would not hurt your ride, the reality is to face. And, it means that you would need to claim your insurance and bring your car to the best body shop you could find. Fortunately, Huntington residents would be so glad to find one of these best body shop in Huntington, West Virginia.


We’ve Got You Covered For Car Repair in Huntington, West Virginia

At East End Body Shop we expect the unexpected. Accidents happen in life and when they involve your car, we’re committed to getting you back on the road safely and in a timely manner. No matter what happened in your accident, our auto experts are no strangers to the...

Who Needs a Local Collision Center? The Worst Drivers in the Nation

We all get frustrated with drivers in our cities. We know there are multiple distractions that are taking driver’s attentions away from the road. Even without the typical distractions: phones, movies, kids, etc., certain drivers will still drive recklessly, weaving in...

Precautions to Take When Driving Winding Roads

Last week, while on vacation, I was able to drive the famous Transfăgărășan road in Romania. This road is located on the southern section of the Carpathian Mountain range and is the second highest paved road in the country. It’s about 56 miles long, and it climbs to...