You might or might not want to know where the worst drivers in the US are located. A recent study that Car Insurance Comparison did found that Montana has the worst drivers in the US.  They came out saying that Montana has the worst record for drinking and driving. If you live in Montana and are looking to move now because of that statistic, you might want to head east to Minnesota where the roads are a little bit safer.

Now here in West Virginia I must say we are doing alright. Overall we ranked 21 out of 50 so we are leaning towards the dangerous side but I would pick West Virginia over Montana any day!

5 Things That Make you a bad driver

  1. Texting and Driving
  2. Speeding
  3. Road Rage
  4. Not using signals
  5. Being Tired Behind the Wheel

How to Avoid Being a Bad Driver

Texting and Driving

The best way to avoid any of the things and become the best driver is planning ahead. If you are in a hurry and texting people you are more than likely to be speeding and not watching the road. Plan ahead so you can ignore your phone and pay attention the road.

Speeding / Road Rage

Many people get road rage from being stressed in traffic and disagreements with other drivers. Unfortunately, this is very common in all 50 states. The best thing is to avoid these drivers, and if you are caught in a situation where they are mad at you, don’t give them the time of day, and be safe.


Signals are there so that you can communicate with other drivers are around you. Around 2 million accidents a year occur because people didn’t properly signal. Use your signals and communicate with other drivers around you!

Tired Behind the Wheel

Believe it or not 37% of 103 million people have fallen asleep at the wheel. Sounds like to me that this issue isn’t taken serious enough. If you are getting sleepy at the wheel do yourself and others a favor and get of the road!

Don’t be and in hurry and stay safe!  Remember that you are responsible for your vehicle and those that are in it.  So don’t be a bad driver, stay responsible.

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Written by: Nicole Weisbrich